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Our Gromit is visiting a new friend at the Central Library! Why not visit him there this weekend?


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Did you see Hannah More children on Points West on Thursdaytv.jpeg? We were really pleased to welcome Alex Lovell, who chatted to children about gardening and about the competition that Points West are running. Here she is with Reception children.

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We are really looking forward to kicking off the new season in style since national property consultancy Lambert Smith Hampton offered to sponsor our new football kit!

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The sponsorship is part of a wider partnership being established between the school and LSH, whose Cheese Lane offices are less than half a mile away. We are also looking forward to developing our links with LSH in order to bring children closer to the business world.

Peter Musgrove, director of office agency at LSH Bristol, said:

“We all enjoy working in the community and because Hannah More is the closest school to us, we thought it would be a great opportunity to see how we can help to make a difference to the young children.” .

“Sponsoring the football kit is just the first step in this. We hope this support will give the teams a small boost when the new season kicks off.”

On Friday 27th June Ms Ramsay, Ms Judge and Ruth attended an award ceremony for the Reading Recovery School of the Year. We are proud to say that Hannah More was the winner in the category 'Best school at involving parents and carers in Reading with their children.' Ms Judge chose some of her reading recovery children, Bouchra, Malachi and Rehan to come along (Rehan brought his mum too) and Ruth invited Ali Hassan, one of our governors who was heavily involved in making our reading video (click here to see it), along with his son Abdulrizak. It was a proud moment when we all went on stage to collect our trophy!

Pictures to follow!

Year 6 Camp

18 June 2014

On Monday 16th June Year 6 set off for a week of adventures in Pembrokeshire, Wales. Here's their news so far:

Dear Hannah More,
We are having fun at Manorbier youth hostel!
Yesterday we went to the beach, which was a very long walk away up and down hills! Falah didn't want to walk through the stinging nettles but eventually he did with Mr Cook to help him! At the beach, we made sandcastles and Zubair made a Stonehenge! Zubair and Sharmarka won the competition and won 5 tokens for Folly Farm each! Falah and Tyreeque's group came second and they also won tokens.
Later on, we drove to coasteering. People slept as they were so tired from a late night and a long walk! When we got there, we got into our wet suits (Sharmarka and Zubair tried to put these on backwards!) and then we headed to the water. The water was so salty! Zubair tried to eat some 'sea lettuce' but it wasn't very nice. We went into a lagoon and the water was really warm. We all climbed some rocks and then jumped into the water. Falah didn't want to do it until Mr Webster pushed him in! We really enjoyed it in the end!
After a long drive home, we had dinner and then showered. Before bed, we played a game called 'my grandma's underpants'. Aliyaan and Zubair won the game because they didn't laugh! Then we had a nice warm hot chocolate and then went to bed.
Today we are going to Folly Farm and Falah can't want to buy a cake for Miss Jenkins's birthday!

See you on Friday,
Lots of love,
Zubair, Falah and Sharmarka


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There are some more photos on the Year 6 trips page.

Year 3 had a fantastic day in the Forest of Dean, with the support of Reading Buddies from our business friends Deloitte. Four buddies joined the class for the trip, which was all about exploring the Forest, hearing stories from storyteller Martin Maudsley, making our own creatures and more! Check out the video, pictures and  children's comments!

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Camron: I liked everything on the trip but my favourite part was making a sea-serpent with three heads.
Finlay: I liked making my journey because when I got home it reminded me of all the fun things that happened.
Hassan: I liked the storyteller because he was funny and told us lots of stories.
Suheyla: I liked the journey stick because I could take it home and tell a story to my sister.
Ramla: I liked hunting for stuff to make my name and my journey stick.

May Holiday Club

06 May 2014

Our Holiday Club will be open from Tuesday 27th - Friday 30th May, from 8.30am-6.00pm. Lots of exciting activities are planned! Children from several local schools come to the club and the feedback from our Easter club was really positive! Full details are available here.

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Spring Challenge

27 April 2014

The spring challenge was to create a vegetable sculpture or a plate garden. Lots of people had a go and there were many spectacular entries. Special congratulations to Seham, Keilee, Josh, Yahye, Doha and Sumaya for their winning entries.IMG 0404 SmallIMG 0405 SmallIMG 0406 SmallIMG 0407 SmallIMG 0408 SmallIMG 0409 SmallIMG 0410 SmallIMG 0411 SmallIMG 0412 SmallIMG 0413 SmallIMG 0414 SmallIMG 0415 SmallIMG 0416 SmallIMG 0417 SmallIMG 0418 SmallIMG 0419 SmallIMG 0420 SmallIMG 0421 SmallIMG 0422 SmallIMG 0423 SmallIMG 0424 SmallIMG 0425 SmallIMG 0426 SmallIMG 0427 SmallIMG 0428 SmallIMG 0429 SmallIMG 0430 SmallIMG 0431 SmallIMG 0432 SmallIMG 0433 SmallIMG 0434 SmallIMG 0435 SmallIMG 0436 SmallIMG 0438 Small

Family Swimming

27 April 2014

Hannah More takes over Easton swimming pool! On Saturday 26th April, Hannah More used some of the Government's Sports Premium money to hire Easton Leisure Centre's swimming pool for family swimming. Lots of families took advantage of the offer and we had a great time. The next one will be on 10th May - don't forget to get your ticket!

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A group of Year 6 children who have been developing their cooking skills after school took part in a Bake Off today. Working in small groups with a recipe, but plenty of opportunities to personalise their work, the children made plates of fairy cakes. Judges (including Ms Ramsay) were invited to choose the wnning plate of cakes! (What a tough job!). You can see the mouth watering entries below!

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Skipping Day!

03 April 2014

Wednesday 2nd April was skipping day at Hannah More! Lizzy came to visit and taught us a whole range of clever skipping tricks. There will be lots more skipping in the playground now!


May Holiday Club

18 March 2014

Plans are now finalised for our May Holiday Club and it looks exciting! There's loads of activities planned including cooking, outdoor fun and art and craft. Full details available here.

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0117 9039936
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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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