Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Thank you for visiting our class page. We are really excited about the year ahead as there is lots to look forward to! Here you’ll find the key information about Woodpecker class.

Miss Bamford- White is the teacher in Woodpecker Class.


The school day starts at 8.45 and finishes at 3.15. Anyone can come to breakfast club which starts at 8 o'clock.

Please ensure your child is in on time as learning begins at 8:45.

Breaktime is at 10:30- 10:45.  Please bring a healthy snack!  

Lunchtime is at 12:00- 13:00

Writing and reading

We cover a wide variety of book writing types, both fiction and non-fiction, and each genre has an exciting book as a stimulus. Both classes will be inspired by carefully picked stories which include Arthur and the Golden Rope, Leon and the Place Between, Oliver and the Seawigs and The Great Kapok Tree. Children will have weekly spelling lists in their homework and spelling tests at school to help support their writing.

Our reading lessons are now closely linked to our writing lessons and we will look deeply into each text throughout the year. We will also explore books that completely contrast with our focus texts, so that the children are exposed to a wide variety of books.

Please read every day at home and bring in bookbags each week so books can be changed.


This year our topic learning will be done through enquiries. Each enquiry will be a question that the children gradually answer over a period of time. Each enquiry will finish with a challenge and the children will work towards achieving that challenge throughout their learning. Our enquiries this year will be:

Where does my shadow come from?

What is underneath our feet?

Were the Vikings bloodthirsty warriors or peaceful settlers.

What did the Romans do for Britain?

What goes on behind the scenes?

How do plants die?


P.E will be on a Wednesday afternoon. Children should come wearing their P.E. to school every Wednesday and will go home still wearing the P.E. kit. They will not need to bring in school uniform this day. P.E. kit is navy or black shorts or jogging bottoms, a house colour t-shirt and trainers. If you don’t know your house then please ask us.


Swimming will take place on Thursday mornings in Term 4 and 5. This is the first time children will have gone swimming at school. We will work alongside the swimming coaches to make sure children feel confident and safe when in the water.



Homework is given out on a Friday and should be returned on a Thursday. Please encourage and support your child with their homework because it is important that they practise the skills they are learning in class at home as well.

Thank you for reading our page! Keep coming back and reading our blog to see what we have been getting up to.

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Contact us

0117 9039936
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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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