Class Teaching
Weekly music lessons are taught for a term each year. Some year groups have additional music lessons which are linked to their enquiries. Bristol Beacon music hub provide us with additional workshops and orchestral concerts.
Steel Drum Lessons in Year 4
Children in Year 4 are taught the Steel Drums. In these lessons, children learn to play simple rhythms and melodies and to read simple notation. They learn to work as an ensemble and have the oportunity to perform at the end.
Year Performance
Every class practises and performs a play once a year. Music is taught through the teaching of songs for the performance.
Singing Assemblies
Children attend weekly singing assemblies.
During the assemblies children learn how to warm up their voices and how to position themselves when singing.
Children work on new songs each week and practise different skills. They learn how to use expression and articulation when we sing and how to use dynamics.
Each term, the assembly focuses on one of the buidling blocks of music (rhythm, pitch, timbre, structure, tempo, dynamics).
Each week a new song is chosen and played at the beginning all assemblies during the week. This gives children the opportunity to hear music and instruments they wouldn’t usually listen to or see. The music also introduces children to historical and modern composers and to different genre's of music including; Western classical music (baroque, classical, romanticism and modernism), Jazz, Blues, Soul, contemporary music and we listen to music from around the world.
School Choir
All children are welcome to join the Hannah More School Choir. Ks2 Children in the choir have three performances a year and also have the opportunity to attend a singing workshop. If you would like your child to join the choir, then please talk to Mrs Wilkinson.
For more information about what our school provides then please see out Music Plan Summary here: Music Development Plan Summary