Spring Challenge

27 April 2014

The spring challenge was to create a vegetable sculpture or a plate garden. Lots of people had a go and there were many spectacular entries. Special congratulations to Seham, Keilee, Josh, Yahye, Doha and Sumaya for their winning entries.IMG 0404 SmallIMG 0405 SmallIMG 0406 SmallIMG 0407 SmallIMG 0408 SmallIMG 0409 SmallIMG 0410 SmallIMG 0411 SmallIMG 0412 SmallIMG 0413 SmallIMG 0414 SmallIMG 0415 SmallIMG 0416 SmallIMG 0417 SmallIMG 0418 SmallIMG 0419 SmallIMG 0420 SmallIMG 0421 SmallIMG 0422 SmallIMG 0423 SmallIMG 0424 SmallIMG 0425 SmallIMG 0426 SmallIMG 0427 SmallIMG 0428 SmallIMG 0429 SmallIMG 0430 SmallIMG 0431 SmallIMG 0432 SmallIMG 0433 SmallIMG 0434 SmallIMG 0435 SmallIMG 0436 SmallIMG 0438 Small

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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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