Year 1


Welcome to Year 1


The year 1 teachers this year are Mrs Jackson (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Wilkinson (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).

We are very lucky to have Raquel and Vicki working with us too.

We are all really exciting for the year ahead as we have lots of great things planned. Below, you will find lots of information about Year 1. If you have any questions or need to speak to us, please do so at the end of the day. We may ask you to organise a meeting if it is something that requires a longer conversation.


Book Bags

Please bring book bags in everyday as we always need them.



Book Changing Day - Story Books 


Return completed homework


New Homework given out

Book Changing Day - Phonic Reading Books 





Gruffalo have PE on a Tuesday and Friday. Children can come to school wearing their PE kit.


The School Day

Learning starts at 8:45. Please ensure your child arrives on time so that they don’t miss out on any learning.

Children will not have a breaktime in Year 1. This is because after some short carpet inputs, the children will be spending their time learning through play and will have access to lots of lovely activities, both inside and outside. Throughout the morning they will be able to help themselves to a piece of fruit. If you think your child would benefit from having a snack in the afternoon, you are welcome to send them in with a healthy snack.

All year groups will have lunch from 12 -1. Children in KS1 are entitled to free school meals but you are welcome to provide a packed lunch if you prefer.


At the beginning of the year we will learn the Year 1 curriculum using the foundation stage approach of learning through play.

This will help a smooth and happy start back at school.

As we move through the year, the children are experiencing more formal whole class teaching.



Children will have regular maths carpet inputs and complete formal learning tasks however lots of their learning will take place through play. For example, we have measuring equipment out in the construction area and the water tray, we have money in our role play area and general maths resources available in the maths area.

Phonics/ Reading

At Hannah More, we use Little Wandle Phonics Scheme. Phonics is vital for children as it underpins both reading and writing, therefore phonics and reading lessons take place every day. There is also daily catch up sessions for any children who are struggling with their sounds. The children receiving these may change daily as it depends on how well they have accessed the main lesson.

Reading books are matched to each child’s phonic ability. Children will be sent home with both level books and a book to be read for pleasure. Please ensure you read with your child at least 5 times a week. A bedtime story is fantastic for developing your child’s love of reading.


One of the main focuses in Year 1 is enabling children to use their phonics to be able to write. We will also have a big focus on letter formation.

Throughout each term, we will use a range of fiction and non-fiction books to engage the children in writing. Tales toolkit will be used to help children understand the structure of a story (considering setting, character, problem and solution). The children will be encouraged to write independently however we will also be using story scribing (where an adult writes out a child’s story) and acting to enthuse children in the writing process and develop their ideas.

Wider Curriculum

Children will have some carpet sessions covering objectives for the wider curriculum however most of this learning will happen during the children’s ‘discovery time’. This is when the best learning happens as the children will be able to follow their interests and learn through play. The classroom has been set up in a way that ensures we can cover the curriculum effectively in this way.

In Year 1, children will also have regular PSHE lessons. At the end of each session, we will share information on the lesson via Marvellous Me. Please use this as an opportunity to have a conversation with your child about their learning. We will also have regular Wellbeing and Mindfulness lessons to develop their self-care and calming skills. We will be using Zones of Regulation to help teach children about their feelings and provide them with strategies for coping with their emotions.


Term 1 Overview

Term 2 Overview





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Contact us

0117 9039936
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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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