At Hannah More we are proud of our approach to learning and of the broad and balanced curriculum that we offer pupils. Our aim at Hannah More is to excite our children about learning; to give them an appreciation that learning is a life-long, daily process that can make a genuine difference to their lives as children and as adults. Active learning, in which they are directly involved, not only enables our children to achieve the highest standards of academic success, but sees them developing as sportsmen, dancers, artists, historians, scientists, writers, problem solvers, decision makers, creative thinkers and entrepreneurs. It gives them the time and opportunity to consider the kind of person then want to be both now and in the future.
Hand in hand with the more traditional subject content are the all- important learning skills which we aim to actively develop in our children, right from the very start of their time with us. These skills include providing the opportunity to develop the children as thinkers, being able to reason things out, confidently create solutions to real life problems, and create real solutions to tasks they are given, to learn to work in teams, in pairs or confidently on their own.
The school’s values are threaded throughout the school’s curriculum:
We teach Determination through:
· Providing challenging, open-ended activities
· Supporting children to succeed through sharing targets and celebrating progress towards them
· Explicit teaching of a range of positive learning behaviours including perseverance
· Learning about and celebrating role models of determination e.g. in sport, music
· Building team spirit through a range of activities including competitive sports
We teach Openness through:
· Explicit teaching of speaking and listening skills
· Encouraging debate and questioning
· Teaching and modelling how to recognise and express emotions
· Learning about similarities and differences
· Using parents as a resource for learning
· Starting a debate club
· Embedding the social and emotional aspects of learning throughout the curriculum
· Circle time
· Training children to support eachother through peer mentoring
· Having an open door policy
We teach Nurture through:
· Effective circle time
· Consistent and positive induction procedures
· Opportunities for cross age work
· Opportunities to tend plants and animals
· Explicit teaching of PSHE skills
· Clear and consistent use of the Behaviour strategy
· Providing opportunities for older children to lead activities for younger children
· Pupils taking responsibility within classes and school
· Using language that ensures children feel valued
· Acknowledging children’s feelings
We teach Enjoyment through:
· Lessons that are relevant and purposeful
· A varied curriculum with links made between subjects
· Organising visits and visitors that stimulate and excite
· Ensuring children feel ownership of their learning
· Using the resources of the city and its creative community
· Imaginative use of ICT
· Ensuring there are opportunities to learn in a variety of different ways
· Giving children opportunities to lead their own learning
· Providing opportunities for children to perform
We teach Respect through:
· Creating, teaching and reinforcing class charters
· Explicit teaching that encourages understanding of different backgrounds
· Modelling respectful dialogue and attitude
· Exploring with children what respect means and why it is important.
· Teaching empathy
· Making links with and visiting other schools in contrasting environments