Welcome to Zone 6, the dedicated web presence of the very best year group in the whole of Hannah More!
Year 6 is made up of Mr Thomson (the Eagle class teacher), Mrs Naushahi (our cover teacher), Chloe, Andy and Showana (our wonderful LSAs) and 29 shining, smiling, happy faces all eager to learn. We are also supported by Nick, our sports coach who covers the class while the rest of the team grab a cup of tea and plan the learning for the week ahead.
In year 6, we pride ourselves on our work ethic and our high expectations. This is a hugely important year as children get ready to take the SATs tests in May and, more importantly, prepare themselves to leave Hannah More and head to secondary school. (You must apply for a secondary school place before 31st October!
If you ever need any help or more information about something, please make sure you come and see us on the playground at the end of the day. We can either try to resolve the issue there and then or, for bigger things, we can arrange an appointment to meet you after school.
Children will be authors (English) and mathematicians (maths) every day and do a variety of different other things throughout the week. The year group timetable for the year is on this page.
In year 6, we aim to develop quick, confident mathematicians with a deep understanding of their learning. We provide children the opportunity to discover new ideas and concepts through the use of carefully planned resources, collaborative work and challenging questions. All children are encouraged to believe they can ‘do’ maths and all children are supported to succeed.
Throughout the whole year, we will be focused on developing children’s arithmetic skills and ability to solve problems. You can support at home by ensuring your children know their times tables quickly and can use written methods of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (÷).
We will also understand place value to ten million and learn to use written methods in all four operations, including the new method of long division.
More recently, we understood algebra, unit conversion and now we have just started our work on area of shapes.
Children are taught to be authors through both reading and writing. Each term we will study a focus book and produce lots of work using the text as stimulus. Our focus books are:
Term 1 - Beetle Boy by M.G. Leonard.
Term 2 - The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie
Term 3 - Floodlands by Marcus Sedgwick.
Term 4 - The Adventures of Odysseus by Hugh Lupton.
Term 5 - The Arrival by Shaun Tan.
Term 6 - Crossover by Kwame Alexander
As well as our daily English lessons, children will also practise their handwriting at least twice a week and receive regular grammar and spelling lessons. Children will sit the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test at the end of year 6 so it is important they receive as much practice as possible. We also have regular reading lessons a week, helping the children to feel more confident in reading skills and comprehension.
You can help at home by testing children on their weekly spellings, encouraging them to write at weekends and in the holidays. Please share with them examples of any writing that you might do (such as letters, diaries etc...).
Children should continue to bring their reading book to school with them every day. Children have the opportunity to change their books on Fridays and should make sure they speak to an adult or one of the class librarians if they need their book changed. As ever, they should be reading for at least fifteen minutes every day to help them build their reading skills.
This year, our enquiry work and our English work is closely linked. Each term, children begin a new enquiry with a set challenge at the end for them to achieve. Teachers guide children to develop the skills and knowledge they need to meet this challenge. Through the enquiry, children learn to become authors, mathematicians, scientists, engineers, geographers, historians, athletes, philosophers, musicians and artists!
Term 1 - What did Linneaus and Darwin do for Science?
Term 2 - How has our understanding of the human body changed?
Term 3 - How does human action affect our planet?
Term 4 - What made the Greeks great?
Term 5 - What is our heritage?
Term 6 - What goes on behind the scenes? and How do things move? This is our performance term.
PE takes place every week, on Wednesday afternoons
PE kit should be sensible trainers (no football boots!), shorts or leggings in either blue or black and a t-shirt in the child’s house colours (Oak = red, Beech = green, Sycamore = yellow and Chestnut = blue).
Nick is our specialist sports coach; he leads the PE sessions.
PSHE is Personal, Social and Health Education. Every Thursday, there is a specific PSHE lesson which follows our bespoke 'Skills for Life' programme of study.
Homework is set every Friday and is due back in by the following Thursday. To help children get ready for secondary school, we will insist that children return their homework on time or they may have to stay in at lunchtime to catch up.
Each week, children are given a reading task, a maths task and spellings to learn. They may also be given other activities, such as handwriting or enquiry activities. Homework should take roughly 90 minutes and children should be careful to ensure their work is presented neatly. They should also continue to practise times tables regularly. Every child in school has a Times Table Rockstars and Numbots account that they can access online to support their maths.