Friends of Hannah More is the charity linked to the school which supports the wider community. Their website is They support courses and activities as well as individuals. Their next meeting is the AGM on Tuesday 7th November, 6.30 pm, at the Ibis hotel. Everyone is welcome, but please let them know by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Activities for families
We are delighted that activities will be running again in the community room next academic year. Most of these activities are funded or supported by Friends of Hannah More.
Tuesdays - 9.00-11.00 - Sewing. This course is on Tuesday mornings.
Tuesdays Pilates 6.30-7.30. Please speak to Sarah Franke at school or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thursdays 9-11 Craft - A new course focusing on books, crafts and literacy skills.
Fridays - Cooking with Travelling Kitchen. Speak to Sarah Franke at school if you are interested.
Support for families
Greggs have some hardship vouchers available in 2024, for those who have not applied within the last 12 month - here is more information and an application form
There is a list of other organisations providing support here. The council also make emergency payments, for example if you have no food or cannot afford to heat your home.
Family swims are back! These are fun swims for Hannah More children. We know the Saturday 6pm slot is not great for everybody, but it is the only time you can book the whole pool. Friends of Hannah More pay £200 for each swim - we get grant funding to cover most of cost. And school staff kindly give up their time to help out! Under 8s must have a parent in the water with them. You can bring ONE older sibling (Year 7 or above) only. The guidelines are here...
Our adult community history project linked to the SS Great Britain is researching ways to make this wonderful Bristol attraction more accessible for families and more relevant to our community. The community researchers also helped to bust some myths - did you know for example that the SS Great Britain was a passenger ship and a cargo boat - but never had any links to the slave trade (it was built a generation after!)? Have a look on twitter here
The Hub
Our Hub library is open after school on Tuesdays and Fridays during term-time, for families to come and have a look or borrow a book.
Help and support
There are various Parenting courses running across the city; look out in the newsletter for dates.