Year 4 Easter Holidays ideas

31 March 2020

Half term fun!

Even though we are in lockdown, the Easter break is still happening (4th April- 19th April). During this time Miss Campbell and Ms Sokoni will not be setting daily Maths and English, however we will be posting some ideas for activities you could get up to to keep you occupied for the two weeks. 

Our weekly phone calls will start again on the 22nd April, but if you need to get in contact before then you can still email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Writing activities 

Interview a family member (ideally an adult!) and record their answers.

Where did you grow up?

What was the best thing about growing up there?

What was your favourite subject in school? Least favourite?

What are your talents?

What is your favourite animal and why?

What pets have you had?

What is your favourite memory and why?


Write a diary 

This is a strange time, which will be remembered in History- why not write a diary to remember all of the things you did and felt during this time. 

- Start with the date and 'Dear diary'

- What did you get up to on the day?

-What did you think and feel?



We would still like you to practice your spellings - you can use some of the techniques listed here!


Here is a list of words for year 3 and 4.


 Carry on using your Times Table Rockstar accounts. Who can score most coins over Easter- Swift or Swallow?!


Try some interactive maths games here


You can also use BBC bitezise for lots of fun games and videos to help revise. 


 Arts and Crafts 

 Try some Origami- start with a fish. Then can you try a turtle? A butterfly?


You could try step by step drawing, like this! (click on this link for more)



Check out: The Tate website - take part in quizzes, view a virtual Art museum and learn to replicate the work of artists like Matisse! 


You can take this time to learn another language! Can you learn numbers to 100? Colours? Body parts?  Click here for some resources to help you. 

Try drawing and colouring your own French rainbow:



 Games and quizzes on things we have covered so far in Science! Here


Visit the virtual Sandiego Zoo here - Can you spot some primary, secondary or tertiary consumers? 


Learn about space- here on the NASA website, or here for lots of info about solar systems! 


Looking for experiments you can do at home? Try here!


Staying fit and healthy 

Keep on doing daily exercise, it is so important for your well-being. Carry on with Cosmic Yoga and Joe Wicks' workouts. 


Or try this full name workout! Each letter in your name tells you the exercise to do. 


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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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