Year 1 Term 6 Week 3

14 June 2020

Good morning Year 1s.

We hope you had a lovely weekend. Read on to find your work for this week.

Remember you can collect your learning packs on Wednesday when you collect your food box. 

In the pack you will find printed work for the rest of the week, this week you will also have a copy of the book we will be looking at as Authors.




This is the book we will be looking at over the next few weeks:

Doesn't it look great?

We would like you to think about what you think the book might be about. Here is your sheet with some questions about it. 



As Mathematicians you are going to you are going to sequence numbers to 100! Watch the video and complete this sheet.





Today you are going to use adjectives to create and describe a character for a story. Adjectives are describing words.

Think about who might live in the cave. Draw a picture of it and write some adjectives to describe it.

Like this:



Today we are going to continue to count up to and accross numbers within 100. Here is your sheet



Creative Task

Invent a new animal. Draw and describe what it looks like, what it sounds like, how it moves, and what it eats. Is it scary or cuddly or something else altogether? Would it be a pet or live in the wild? Try to create it with junk modelling. You could use boxes, bottles anything you can find! Remember to send us in pictures!

It could look something like this:





Today as authors you are going to write a character description using adjectives.

Using your adjectives from Tuesday write a description of your character.

Here is mine:

The blue coloured wolf had a big bushy tail and pointy ears. He had beady black eyes and a round red nose. The wolf’s claws were sharp and curved.

Your turn! Remember adjectives are describing words, don’t forget your capital letters and full stops.



Today you are going to partition numbers to 100. Watch the video and compelte your sheet.




Today we are going to make predictions about what is going to happen in the story. Here is your sheet.



As Mathematicians you are going to continue partitioning numbers. Here is your sheet. 




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