Year 5 @ Barton Camp- Day 2

22 March 2016

Have a read about our second action packed day at Barton Camp...




Last night, we were so tired we went to sleep really quickly after a bedtime story! In the morning we woke up very early at 5:45; oops! Then we had a lovely cooked breakfast made by the kitchen staff. After that we got ready for our dorm's inspection by the adults.

Next we all got on the coaches ready to go to the places where the skiing, tobogganing and caving was. The cave we went to was called Goatchurch Cavern which was made of limestone many 1000’s of years ago. There is over a mile of tunnels! We used our resilience, determination and collaboration skills to help each other overcome our fears and worries. At the end we pulled ourselves out of the cave using a rope! We then met at the centre to enjoy our packed lunches.

The groups swapped over and the other groups them went tobogganing and skiing. We had an amazing time having races and doing challenges while going down the slopes!

When we got back to Barton, we went to play in the park that we hadn’t explored yet. Ian and Jane made another delicious roast dinner. Lots of us had seconds because it was so nice. Rice pudding was the dessert. With strawberry sauce! We then showered off all the mud we had picked up in the caves and got ourselves comfy for our cinema night with popcorn and hot chocolate! Ms Ramsay joined us with Lyra who gobbled up the spilt popcorn! After our praises and grumbles, we cleared up.

We are now getting in to our sleeping bags (very tired after A LOT of fun) to sleep ready for another action packed day tomorrow.

By the 4 A girls (Rosa, Alahna, Aneeka and Sophia)

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