Year 5 @ Barton Camp- Day 1

21 March 2016

Come and have a read about the first day of our residential...

Today, we have had a fasntastic first day on our camp. Firstly, everyone going to Barton camp got into the hall to get ready to go. We then went and got everyone got on the bus to go to Weston Super Mare; we were very excited . Some people played eye spy whilst on the bus. Moneeb was very good! On the beach, some people played football, some people played cricket and some people made sandcastles. After, everyone did a scavenger hunt to find thigns that you might find on the beach. The adults treated us to an ice cream before we left!

After all this fun, everyone got back on the coach and continued their journey to Barton camp. When we got there, we had to haul all our stuff to the building at Barton camp.Then we all went into our rooms and started to make them feel like home and made our beds and unpacked. We all got changed into our swimming kits and went for a swim in the outdoor heated swimming pool and there was slides and it was amazing. Mr Schoner made the quite splash! When we came back we had dinner which was delicious. We had fish with potato wedges and beans. Tonight, we are going to explore a bit more and we are then going to have hot chocolate. 

By the fantastic 4. Jonasz, Rutwan, Yahya and Moneeb.

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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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