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Our Gromit is visiting a new friend at the Central Library! Why not visit him there this weekend?


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News (335)

Did you see Hannah More children on Points West on Thursdaytv.jpeg? We were really pleased to welcome Alex Lovell, who chatted to children about gardening and about the competition that Points West are running. Here she is with Reception children.

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Our Big Play Video

26 November 2014

At Hannah More we bellieve that through playing we learn lots of useful skills. Watch our video to find out more...

Children in Need 2014

14 November 2014

Hannah More Staff and children dressed as superheroes to raise money for Children in Need. More pictures to follow...

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Year 2 Leigh Woods Trip

12 November 2014
Year 3 went to Leigh Woods to visit Stoke Leigh Camp which was once an Iron Age village. They did tribal band making, ground wheat and make string out of nettle stalks. There was time to explore artefacts, such as coins, tools and jewellery and ask questions of the experts. They climbed up the steep (very muddy) walls of the camp to find out why it had been built in that position. The view from the top was amazing, they could see the suspension bridge and miles and miles of Bristol. This made the children realise that the camp had been built so that enemies could be seen approaching from a long way away.
A very enjoyable and interesting day!
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In Term 1 children in Year 5 and 6 learnt all about Fair Trade. At the end of the term they had to design their own fair trade chocolate with packaging and make a pitch to a "Dragon" about why their product was better than everyone else's! Watch the video to get a flavour of the event!


Year One have been to space! On Tuesday 4th November we had a special visit from Space Dome. Inside the dome the children put on their space suits and helped steer a rocket to the moon! We had to be careful when landing, so we avoided the craters. From the rocket we could see stars,  moons and planets including planet Earth. The stars joined together to make pictures. We could see a snake, a bear, a mermaid and even a dragon. The children also experienced what it would be like to walk on the moon and watched a video of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, saying the famous words 'One small step for man, one big step step for mankind'. He was the was first man to land on the moon. It was a very exciting day for Year One.


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Viking Visit!

11 November 2014

To mark the start of their new topic, Year 5 and 6 received a surprise on Tuesday when they were raided by a Viking warrior named Hrothgar! After capturing the children, Hrothgar brought them to his camp and taught them about Viking weapons, games, gods and even funerals. A fun day was had by all and the children were buzzing with excitement to learn more about Viking life as they prepare to host their very own museum at the end of term.

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Our trip to Bath!

24 October 2014

On 21st October 33 lucky children (and lots of helpers!) enjoyed a trip to Bath. This was sponsored by our business friends Deloitte, to reward some of the children whose behaviour was excellent last school year. We visited the Royal Crescent Museum and had a picnic lunch at the Royal Crescent hotel! Here are some pictures from the day:





We even managed to fit in a quick visit to the park!




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We are really pleased that our Holiday Club has been chosen as a 'Netmums Favourite'. Holiday club will be running once more from 27-31 October. You can collect a booking form from the school office or call us if you would like to be added to the email list. You can also download one here.

Year 5 Camp Video

26 September 2014

Now we are back from camp - everyone is a little weary, but have fantastic memories for the camp week at Tythe Barn. Below is the video to help us remember!

Year 5 campers - day 3!

22 September 2014

Day 3: Swimming today was lots of fun if a bit chilly. Ms Ramsay was very impressed how brave everyone was!

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(More pictures on the 'Gallery')

Day 2:  Everyone got some sleep and after breakfast the dormitory inspectors came round!. The children made rockets and launched them, to see which was the toughest. Karima and Hamda's rocket went almost to the moon!

Everyone is well. We picked lots of blackberries for tea. Many games have been played, many songs sung and much fun has been had by all. We ended the day with a great game of 'The Best Game in the World Ever!!'.

More news tomorrow!


Green noses... versus the red and blue noses...



Day 1:  Our first day of camp was beautiful! The weather was lovely and the countryside looked beautiful. We settled in, met our monitors and enjoyed lots of games. The smiles of the children said it all.

There are some more pictures in the 'Gallery' - click on the 'Our School' tab to get to this.

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0117 9039936
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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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