Year 5 @ Barton Camp- Day 3

23 March 2016

Have a read of year 5's blog post about their final day at Barton Camp. Another action packed active day!

This morning was a late start after a much better night sleep because it was more quiet last night. When we woke up we had brekky, then we got ready and went on a nice long walk to Crooks Peak. It was long! A few of us had a go at map reading along the way and Moneeb, Rosa and Aneeka strolled ahead of the group and were one of the first at the top to enjoy the spectacular view. It was a bit foggy though so we couldn’t see Bristol but we could see Weston Super Mare. Crooks Peak was used as a beacon to warn the west country of the Spanish armadas arrival.

On the way down, Maria organised a game of capture the flag and some of us earned extra time in the pool for later! We eventually made it back and had some time in the pool before we had lunch. After lunch, we quickly got ourselves ready in outdoor boots and went to take part in challenge activities organised by the Mendip Centre. We had lots of fun working together and helping each other during the challenges.

We came in and tidied our dorms before having one last delicious meal cooked by Ian and Jane. It was spaghetti bolognaise with garlic bread and cheese! Yummy scrummy!

After chilling in our dorms, we went outside to play our last game all together before camp ended L We played a very active game of rounders! We are sad to be going home tomorrow L L BEST CAMP EVER!!!!!!!!

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