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Science Week

15 March 2016

We have had an exciting start to Science Week! Today Neil from Carymoor Environmental Trust came in to talk to us about waste management. 

We began the day with an assembly about how waste is disposed of around the world and we learnt about the three R’s REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE. Some classes then took part in workshops throughout the day. Year 5 made wallets out of juice cartons, Year 2 made their own paper out of recycled material, Year 1 then made their own compost and Year 6 looked at the effect of waste around the world.
Some classes also took part in the Scrapheap Challenge. They had a challenge to collect some rubbish from the Hannah More Recycling Centre and create something which could be useful in the future. They have created lots of interesting and exciting machines and robots!
At lunch time the Eco Club and the school ambassadors helped Neil to measure the amount of waste we produce from our packed lunches and school dinners. They sorted the waste into different bins and weighed the bags at the end. They recorded the results and reported their findings to the rest of the school. We have been thinking about how we can reduce the amount of food we throw away at lunch time and how we can recycle more of our waste.

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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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