Ruth Cochrane

Ruth Cochrane

Find out how to help your child with spellings and timestables. Workshop runs at 2pm and again at 5pm. All welcome!

30 September 2018


Our next Bike Breakfast will be on Tuesday 23rd October from 8.00am. Come along for a special breakfast and get your bike tyres pumped up or your brakes checked. 

03 September 2018

Summer challenge

Last chance to enter our summer challenge! You could win a family ticket to the Zoo!!!




There's lots on in the new community room! Check the newsletter and the noticeboard in the school entrance for more details.

Here's a summary:

Tuesday evenings -  Pilates - mixed class and mixed ability - all welcome. You must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register in advance.

Tuesdays - Sewing - drop in until the end of the term. Ask Sarah Franke for more details

Thursdays - Craft - Come and print a postcard as part of our Windrush Project!

Fridays  - Cooking on a budget with Travelling Kitchen. This course may be full, but there will be a new course coming soon!

FAMILY SWIMS! Various Saturdays during Spring and Summer - check the newsletter for details.

The Friends of Hannah More meet regularly, either in the community space at school or at a nearby venue. Everyone is welcome.

Our next meeting is 4th July in the evening - email us if you'd like to attend. Our last AGM was in November. Read our Annual Report here.

We are busy planning some activities for the summer! 

Tickets for all activities will be on sale from term 6 and there is more information here ...


There's a fantastic opportunity to join a new course run by Bristol Flyers Basketball team. Come to assembly tomorrow to meet the coach!


19 March 2018

Easter activities

We still have some places for our PLAYDAYS next week as well as some tickets for our Blaise Castle trip. See the office if you want tickets!


We are pleased to be running this 7-week training course for people interested in developing the skills needed to become Cultural Competence Trainers. If you are interested please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please see here for the learning contract which we will ask participants to sign at the first session.


We have a SPELLING workshop coming up where you can get ideas about how to help your child. More info here.  We also have a wonderful Chilli-sauce making workshop! Chat to Ruth or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



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Contact us

0117 9039936
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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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