Year 3 Home Learning Week 5

27 November 2020

Welcome to the home learning for Week 5!

 Blog for this week:








Important information...

- Zoom meetings will continue at 10 o'clock, please make sure you come each day to hear about the learning.

- Please complete the quiz every day with your name. This is how we check who is doing the learning and how you are getting on.

- Please send the work your child has done each day into the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- We will be returning to school on the 8th December.

Miss Ellison-Smith and Miss Mahmood :D




Good morning Year 3s! 

We are looking forward to seeing you on zoom at 10. Today we will do breakout rooms after the learning if you would like to stay. Before you do your learning Miss Ramsay has the Superkids! Very well done to both of you!

Y3 4th Dec from Hannah More Primary School on Vimeo.



Today we are going to look at dividing by 8! Can you watch the video and then complete your sheet here.

Aut3.12.3 - Divide by 8 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



Today we are going to do spelling! Click here for your sheet.



Today you are going to make your own volcano! Some of you already had a go at this when we did home learning before!

You can make your volcano from paper or card, salt dough using Stella's recipe, mud or a cup. 


 Sudais has done a fantastic job making this volcano! 






Good morning Year 3s! 

You're doing a great job, we are really impressed with all your work and enthusiasm! Keep it up!

See you on zoom at 10 :D


Answers from yesterday





Today we are going to move on to our 8 times table! Can you watch the video and then play the times table game here. Make sure you click times tables and then x8.

Aut3.12.2 - Multiply by 8 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



Watch this lesson about non-chronological reports:

Can you write a non-chronological report on volcanoes?


 Some fantastic non-chronological reports being sent in today! Very well done Asenat, Issa, Samuel and Faith! 

Check out some more brilliant examples in the picture gallery!



Today we are going to do some coding! Can you watch the video first and then make your own name move and jump?

Click on the green arrows if you need some help.





Good morning Year 3s! 

We had lots of you do the quiz yesterday 10 house points each for those of you who did it! Today on zoom after we have gone through the learning you can stay behind and have a chat in smaller groups with your friends if you would like. :D


Answers from yesterday




Today we have our last day on the 4 times table! Can you watch the video – make sure you pause it to answer the questions and then complete your sheet here.

Aut3.12.1 - The 4 times-table from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



For English today can you read the non-chronological report about volcanoes here and answer the questions.

Remember to look for the answers in the text. Copy spellings out carefully and check your sentences make sense!



Today Stella has made a video for you to make your own salt dough! 


Some brilliant salt dough creations yesterday from Mohamed Abdi and Faith!







Good morning Year 3s! 

We had some brilliant work sent in yesterday and lots of you doing the quiz. 10 house points each for those of you who did it yesterday or Friday well done! One of you missed out your name - make sure you write it on so we can give you your house points! 

Some of you were asking about swimming yesterday. The pool won't be doing school swimming lessons until the new year so our first swimming lesson will be the Thursday 7th of January.


Answers from yesterday




Today we are going to look at dividing with the 4 times table! Can you watch the video – make sure you pause it to answer the questions and then complete your sheet here.

Aut3.11.5 - Divide by 4 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



For English today we are going to read 2 non-chronological reports about volcanoes! Click here to read them.

Which one did you prefer? Why?

After you have read them carefully can you name some of the features that non-chronological reports have? 



Can you watch this video of a volcano erupting? When a volcano erupts magma, gas and ash explode out of the top. 

Can you now watch this video of what is happening inside a volcano and then draw a picture of your own volcano and label the inside?





Good morning Year 3s! We hope you had a nice weekend. We are looking forward to a zoom call with you today at 10 o'clock! Remember to keep sending your work in to our email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . 


Answers from yesterday





Today we are going to look at a new times table - the 4 times table! Can you watch the video – make sure you pause it to answer the questions and then complete your sheet here.

Aut3.11.4 - Multiply by 4 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



As we have been learning all about Earthquakes these last few days we would like you to write some interesting facts about them.

Watch this video to remind yourself about how an earthquake occurs here.

Think back to the non-chronological report you read on Friday about earthquakes and try to remember some key facts!

Write as many facts as you can remember.

Can you use some of these words in your facts?

Faults, boundaries, seismic, seismograph, tectonic plates

Can you include the location of some plate boundaries?

Remember to include punctuation and think carefully about your spelling!



Today we are going to make a seismograph! Do you remember what it is?

A seismograph detects earthquakes by measuring vibrations in the Earth. You are going to make a model to demonstrate how it works!

You will need:

Shoebox, Paper or plastic cup, Pencil or felt tip, Scissors, String, Sellotape, Long paper


  1. Carefully make two holes in the top of the box, ask a grown up to help with this part.
  2. Next, make another hole in the centre of the bottom of the plastic or paper cup and two holes on either side of the top of the cup.
  3. Push your pen or pencil through the bottom hole and make sure it’s secure. Just a couple of cm of the pen should be poking through the bottom.
  4. Thread your string through the two holes in the cup and then through the holes in the box and tie securely. The cup should be dangling down inside the box. You need to tie the string so the pen rests on the bottom of the box.
  5. Carefully make a slit on either side of the bottom of the box and cut a length of paper that will pass through the slits.
  6. Thread the paper through the slits.
  7. Place your seismograph on a flat surface and ask a friend to shake the box while you pull the paper.
  8. You should see a wiggly line on the paper. The more you shake the box the wider the lines will be.

Try making different types of movements to see how they change the line created.

 Shadae, Faith and Mohamed Abdi have done a brilliant job doing their own seismographs! Well done! 



Make sure you do the quiz after you have done your learning:




  • Comment Link shadae 01 December 2020 posted by shadae

    I got a riddle for you, if there was a rooster in the middle of two gardens laying a egg what side did he lay it on?

  • Comment Link shadae 01 December 2020 posted by shadae

    See you all on zoom tommoro

  • Comment Link Malak 01 December 2020 posted by Malak

    Hi everyone

  • Comment Link Ibraheem 01 December 2020 posted by Ibraheem


  • Comment Link Miss Ellison-Smith 01 December 2020 posted by Miss Ellison-Smith

    The question numbers all went a bit funny on the sheet! Thanks for letting me know Billie!

  • Comment Link billie-rae 01 December 2020 posted by billie-rae

    miss elison smith you maid two mistake in maths

  • Comment Link Miss Ellison-Smith 30 November 2020 posted by Miss Ellison-Smith

    Thanks for letting us know, all fixed!

  • Comment Link Kikis mum 30 November 2020 posted by Kikis mum

    the worksheet for monday task has the answers on the worksheet already.

  • Comment Link Andy 30 November 2020 posted by Andy

    what conversation are you two having?

  • Comment Link Nico 30 November 2020 posted by Nico

    Call me Mr Slimey!?

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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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