Year 1 Term 6 Week 7

13 July 2020

 Good morning lovely Year 1's.

This is your final week in Elmer and Gruffalo. This week we will be doing lots of transition activities to get you ready for Year 2.

There will be no learning packs this week but your new teacher will be phoning you on Wednesday.

Have a fabulous week!


Meet your new teachers!

If you are in Elmer class you will be moving up to Year 2 BFG class. You will have a new teacher whose name is Miss Blackhurst. Here is a message from her:

Hello! My name is Miss Blackhurst and I am going to be your new teacher in September.
I hope that you are looking forward to being in my class. We are going to work hard and also make sure that we have lots of fun.

A little bit of information about me:

  • My favourite colour is green
  • Horses are my favourite animal
  • I like to read lots of books and will be reading lots with you too!

I want you to know that my classroom is a safe and warm place where I hope you will feel very happy.

I can’t wait to meet you!

From Miss Blackhurst


If you are in Gruffalo class you will move up to Year 2 Enormous Crocodiles. Your new teacher will be Miss Burnett. Here is a message from her:

Hello Year 1. I am looking forward to having you all in Year 2 next year and can't wait for us all to do lots of fun learning. I know lots of you already but here is a little bit of extra information about me!

  • My favourite colour is bright orange.
  • I absolutely LOVE CATS and I have a little cat baby called Horatio.
  • My favourite food is hummus and I have it with all my vegan meals!

I can't wait to see you all properly again in September and you can find me around school this week if you have any questions!

Miss Burnett 



Today you are going to write a letter to your new teacher. If you are in Elmer you will be writing to Miss Blackhurst, if  you are in Gruffalo you will be writing to Miss Burnett.

I would like you to tell your teacher a little about yourself, for example, your favourite colours, your favourite food and your favourite subject.

You also need to tell your teacher what you are looking forward to in Year 2 and what your worries are. Please email these letters into me and I will pass them on to your new teacher!



Today we are going to look at an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. You can read some information about him here.

Can you create some artwork using things you find from outside live leaves, flowers and stones.

Here are some examples….



Create a Collage!

A collage is a piece of art that is made by sticking lots of different materials together. You can use chopped up newspapers, magazines, cupcake cases, coloured paper, tissues, different foods or anything you can find around the house!

Here are some examples of collages. Today you are going to create a collage of anything you want!


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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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