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Our Gromit is visiting a new friend at the Central Library! Why not visit him there this weekend?


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News (335)

Did you see Hannah More children on Points West on Thursdaytv.jpeg? We were really pleased to welcome Alex Lovell, who chatted to children about gardening and about the competition that Points West are running. Here she is with Reception children.

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Mrs Kyte and Vic visited Peters in Birmingham again this term and came back with some wonderful new books. Check out some of the amazing new titles in the Hub...

Hub Club: Code Club

10 January 2016

The first meeting of Code Club in the Hub - less than two minutes in and the kids are already completely absorbed in their learning. 

Black History week - Listen to our thoughtful reflections! 

Remember Remember the 5th of November - Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!

Poet Paul Cookson came to school today to wow us with his poetry and to open our fantastic new independed  learning centre, The Hub.

Today we had a 'bike swap' at school. People brought their old bikes and swapped them for bigger and better ones! 

Hub Happenings!

06 October 2015

Check out what year 3, year 4 and year 6 have been up to this week in the Hub!


On Friday 2nd October, Year 5 visited Kingswood Heritage Museum, to learn how to put a successful and engaging museum together.

Viking Portraits

04 October 2015

As part of our Vikings topic, Owl class had great fun creating Viking portraits. They studied a range of images and used viewfinders to concentrate on adding detail to their art work.

Newspaper Club

01 October 2015

Read all about it! Read all about it!

The new Hannah More Newspaper club met for the second time this week and what a successful meeting it was! Our first report is written by Khalid from Owl Class.


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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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