Year 5 and 6 at Manorbier - Day 1 update

02 July 2013

On Monday 1st July 18 children from Years 5 and 6 headed off in the sunshine to spend a week exploring some of the beautiful Pembrokeshire countryside. Here is the email they sent along with a few pictures of Day 1!



It's Aliyaan, Tyreeque and Ryan. Yesterday we all had an amazing day.

What did we do?

We went on a walk which was very very long and very scary because there was a steep hill that we had to walk down.

 We went to the beach. Toffee found some gas in the sand with Connor and Ryan in a cave. Ryan found a man-eating fish!

I skimmed stones on the water and we collected stones for painting.
Melissa fell on a rock and cut her knee but she was OK.

We all jumped around in the sea which was freeeeeeeezing. Samson, Darnell and Jose got completely soaking and complained like babies.

Dinner was great. There was a massive menu. Aliyaans favourite was the puddling ice-cream and chocolate sauce.
After dinner we went outside to sort out the food for tomorrow because some people did not listen.

Then we had to make tower out of marshmallow and spaghetti. It was an EPIC FAIL! Mr Webster said that he thought the year 4 children would do better.

Then we had hot chocolate and biscuits in a circle, did our praises and grumbles and we went to bed.

We woke up at 7am today ready for the day.

Bye Bye, T R A

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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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