Final Day of Year 4 Camp

06 July 2017

As the final full day of camp draws to a close, Miss Skinner has no co-writers for today’s blog post since all the children are in bed; exhausted from a busy day!

Today our champion campers have problem solved to defeat the minotaur in their tremendous teams, working together to collect their clues! They showed true resilience and a spirit of determination to ensure they did not get spotted by the terrifying beast, enabling them to help Princess Ariadne save the Greek village of Naxos!

We have enjoyed our usual high standard of meals from our incredible chef Leigh today and the children have been very adventurous in trying new food! Each day we wait with baited breath to find out which tasty snack will accompany our squash to give us energy in breaks during the day.

The children were lucky enough to enjoy a second swim today and they were much less shocked by the low temperatures of the water this time around! The evening brought even more treats when we all collected sticks from around the grounds to take down to the bonfire at the edge of the field where we sat and sang songs.

Every group has really bonded with their monitors this week which has been really lovely to see, and each and every camper has really grown in maturity. They’re all better at working collaboratively, problem solving and even origami now!

In the morning, we have our final dorm inspection from Professor Duster, who will be even more harsh with her scoring tomorrow as the whole room will need to be packed up, ready to head back to everyone back home! But before we go, we are sure to enjoy some more songs, games, and another delicious lunch from chef Leigh!

I even got asked today if we could stay until Monday! Unfortunately not!

A successful time had by all!

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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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