Darnell and Nadhiir were winners in a local poetry competition! Their winning poems are printed below - and will also be published in local magazine 'Up Our Street'. Both boys won i-pod shuffles, which were presented in assembly by Stacey Yelland from Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management. Nadhiir's mum accepted the prize on his behalf as he was out at swimming.


Darnell Ford         Nadhiirs mum


By Darnell Ford, Year 6

Last night I saw a city.

Outlined in sparks of fire.

Those wreathed lamps made a fantasy -

Arch, dome and spire.

The pale moon stood.

I heard, but faint and sweet and far away.

A martial band.

The voices in the streets, the sound

Of laughter from the towers,

This is my town.


Lawrence Hill

by Nadhiir Mohamed, Year 3


Lawrence Hill, Lawrence Hill

I wish you are here,

Maybe I could come there and appear,

To pay my bill

Up one hill

Look at the house,

Look at the road,

Look at the really big toad.

I like all the houses I've met

but it's really, really, really wet

If Lawrence Hill had a hill

I would turn into a fish with gills.

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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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