Brilliant book week!

04 March 2016

This week in maths we learned about shapes and how to find perpendicular lines, parallel lines, right angle, acute and obtuse angles. We used right angle checkers to find our angles.

In literacy our teacher read the story of The Jolly postman and we found out that the letter to the 3 bears from Goldilocks was missing so we wrote the missing letter from Goldilocks to the 3 bears. In the letter we explained why she was writing to the 3 bears and why she was sorry that she ate their porridge, sat on their chair and slept on their bed.

In swimming this week we had yet another lovely time where some of us learned how to swim backwards and others learned push and glide.

In topic we wrote diaries about life in the Amazon and watched a scary video about hunting spiders. We also drew line drawing of different animals in the rainforest that we are going to use to decorate our stage at the end of the term.

Book week has been great fun! We really liked watching the teachers acting out Peter Pan.

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